Day 2+

The remainder of the days are a bit of a blur at this point. Some days we climbed over 1 mile high, and others we descended. All days were longer than any mountain bike ride I had ever completed. My confidence on drops and rollers increased by the end of the week, perfect timing forContinue reading “Day 2+”

Day 0 – Journey to Durango

We took advantage of the fact that we can still walk from our house to the bus stop, bike bags in tow. Miraculously, after many logistical twists and turns including an airline swap and layover, we arrived at the Purgatory Resort in Durango, CO with bikes still in tow, 16 hours after our departure fromContinue reading “Day 0 – Journey to Durango”

San Juan Huts Honeymoon

Writing to you retroactively, from the plane, due to the remote nature of this particular journey (I.e. no cell service). It’s hard to believe that within a ~2 week period, Danny and I got married, bicycled 24,000 feet in elevation across 225 miles of snow and desert for our honeymoon, and will now close onContinue reading “San Juan Huts Honeymoon”

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