
The days are now blending together just like the ocean current swirl. All in all, we made it to 5 islands and 6 bays: One day we hiked around Baths National Park, an array of giant granite boulders piled up, nooks & crannies filled with seawater depending on the tide. Danny fittingly calls it “MoabContinue reading “Shark!”

Blank Horizons

“Where are all of the other boats?”, we all wondered, a few mornings in a row. It’s either early, or there’s something in the forecast that we haven’t spotted yet, even though we’ve been monitoring multiple wind models. Turns out it was the latter. Great Dog Island was our destination, known for snorkeling and scuba.Continue reading “Blank Horizons”

“That’s One Way to Do It”

Those are the words of our instructor, midway into our 2 hour tutorial before he cut us loose into the Atlantic from Tortola. We are a 6-person crew (Devan, Danny, Shane, Katya, Mom, Dad – captain) learning on the fly to operate and live on this wind-powered micro-grid, a 43’ long vessel, Ohana (means “family” in Hawaiian,Continue reading ““That’s One Way to Do It””

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