“When There’s Little to Do But Ride & Smile”

(** Check the Gear page in the next few weeks for a Top 3 & Bottom 3 gear review, packing recommendations, and other detailed spreadsheets**). Reminding myself of Dr. Seuss’ advice re: not being sad because it’s over, but rather “smile because it happened.” The last week has been filled with the peaceful, desolate andContinue reading ““When There’s Little to Do But Ride & Smile””


In case you’ve been wondering how we navigate & keep track of water sources, food resupplies, etc – this is how: •Bikepacking.com: Provides free GPS tracks for incredible routes across the world •Adventure Cycling Association (ACA): Paper maps for the Great Divide – filled with details on must-see stops, Bike shop locations, groceries, primitive campsites,Continue reading “Logistics”

Made it to Butte (‘byoot’)

Day 4: Huckleberry Pass —> Ovando (43mi, 2500’) Day 5: Ovando —> Lincoln (39mi, 2700’) Day 6: Lincoln —> Llama Farm (23mi, 2300’) Day 7: Llama Farm —>Rimini (34mi, 3458’) Day 8: Rimini —> Mormon Gulch (37mi, 3800’) Day 9: Mormon Gulch —> Butte (32mi, 2400’) Day 10: Zero day Tuned in to the outsideContinue reading “Made it to Butte (‘byoot’)”

What Goes Up Must Come Down

Woke up to a symphony of cows today, in a field of rescue llamas and alpaca! We’ve also been leapfrogging a female bikepacking duo (Brooke & Theresa) for the past few days, exchanging stories, laughs, and memories. Legs are getting stronger, air is getting thinner, and Montana continues to set the bar high. With eachContinue reading “What Goes Up Must Come Down”

Whitefish —> Big Fork (39.9 mi, 1,375’ gain)

Here are a few facts for those of you who may be unfamiliar with the Great Divide Mountain Bike Route: • Established in 1997 by the Adventure Cycling Association • Extends 3083 miles from Jasper, Alberta —> Antelope Wells, NM • It crosses paths with the Continental Divide hiking trail, but it is a separateContinue reading “Whitefish —> Big Fork (39.9 mi, 1,375’ gain)”

Approaching Whitefish Depart (8.4.20)

Tomorrow marks the launch of our 2–wheeled adventure. Pedaling will be a welcomed change of pace from the sedentary drive to the start. Yesterday morning we jumped in Lake Superior and drive thru Alaskan-esque thick and pencil-like forests of the Upper Peninsula. This AM we awoke to a setting moon and rising sun amongst fieldsContinue reading “Approaching Whitefish Depart (8.4.20)”

Risk Assessment (8.2.20)

Many life decisions involve risk assessment. Bikepacking is no different. Here are some things I’ve learned from our preparation: 1. Bears. I suggest listening to the National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS) bear safety course as a refresher. In bear country – be ready, but keep it simple. Rather than flailing arms and playing dead, standContinue reading “Risk Assessment (8.2.20)”

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